Special Awards | |
Sweepstakes Horticulture | 5 blue ribbons, 3 red ribbons, Robert Hall A cash award from New England chapter of AGGS in memory of Jessie Crisafulli |
Runner Up to Sweepstakes Horticulture | 5 blue ribbons, 0 red ribbons, Paul Kroll A cash award from Pittsburgh Violet and gesneriad Society and a gift certificate from Pat's Pets |
Sweepstakes Artistic | 5 blue ribbons, 2 red ribbons, Paul Kroll A cash award from Bill Price |
Runner Up to Sweepstakes Artisitic | 5 blue ribbons, 0 red ribbons, Karyn Cichocki A cash award from Lee Linett in memory of Jessie Crisafulli |
Best In Show | Rhytidophyllum exsertum, Robert Hall a plaque from Long Island Chapter of AGGS in honor of the 40th anniversary of LI chapter and a gift certificate from Pat's Pets |
Second Best In Show | Aeschynanthus hildebrandii 'Topaz', Lyndon Lyon Greenhouses A cash award from Karyn Cichocki |
Best Artistic | Goldfinch, Karyn Cichocki A cash award from National Capital Area chapter of AGGS in honor of the 30th anniversary of NCAC and its founder Lee Linett |
Best In The Arts | a color print, John Evans A cash award from Hans and Everdina Inpijn |
Best Recently Registered (last 5 years) | Streptocarpus 'Gator's Tail', Heidi Dillenbeck A cash award from Gesneriad Hybridizers Association |
Best New World Gesneriads in Flower - Tuberous | Chysothemis pulchella, Leslie Brothers A cash award from Tampa Bay Gesneriad Society |
Best New World Gesneriads in Flower - Rhizomatous | Phinaea species USBRG 96-86, Paul Kroll A cash award from Tampa Bay Gesneriad Society |
Best New World Gesneriads in Flower - Fibrous-rooted | Nematanthus wettsteinii, Jeanne Katzenstein A cash award from Tampa Bay Gesneriad Society |
Best Old World Gesneriads in Flower | Aeschynanthus hildebrandii 'Topaz', Lyndon Lyon Greenhouses A cash award from Tampa Bay Gesneriad Society |
Best Gesneriads Grown for Ornamental Qualities Other Than Flowers | Columnea 'Goldheart', Maryjane Evans A cash award from Tampa Bay Gesneriad Society |
Best New Gesneriads | Sinningia 'Georgia Sunset' (F2) x Sinningia cardinalis 'Redcoat', Maryjane Evans A cash award from Frelinghuysen Arboretum Gesneriad Society in honor of all Frelinghuysen chapter convention workers |
Best Lesser-Known Gesneriads Seldom Grown Or Seen in Shows | Rhytidophyllum exsertum, Robert Hall A cash award from Frelinghuysen Arboretum Gesneriad Society in honor of all flower show exhibitors |
Best Collection of Gesneriads | Streptocarpus collection, Heidi Dillenbeck A cash award from Frelinghuysen Arboretum Gesneriad Society in honor of all plant slaes contributers |
Best Gesneriads Grown by a Novice | Pentadenia orientandina, Olive Ma Robinson A cash award from Frelinghuysen Arboretum Gesneriad Society in honor of all convention volunteers |
Best Arrangement of Fresh Cut and/or Growing Plant Material | Cranberry Bogs, Carol Callaghan A cash award from Greater New York chapter of AGGS in honor of Lavia Berland |
Best Arrangement of Fresh Cut Plant Material | Shore to Please, Karyn Cichocki A cash award from Ben Paternoster in memory of Stanley Schwartz always the teacher |
Best Arrangement of Growing Gesneriads | Truck Gardens, Paul Kroll A cash award from Delta Gesneriad and AV Society |
Best Growing Material Planting (Artistically & Horticulturally Balanced) | Terrarium, curved, Paul Kroll A cash award from Gesneriad-Dicts of Western New York |
Best Photography | a color print, John Evans A cash award from Arleen Dewell in memory of Josi Stefanick, Toronto Gesneriad Society founding member |
Best Crafts Representing Gesneriads | a Judges Handbook Cover, Marcia Kilpatrick A cash award from Arleen Dewell in honor of all the judges, clerks, and convention flower show committee |
Best Commercial | commercial plant display, Lyndon Lyon Greenhouses A cash award from Lauray of Salisbury |
Best Educational | display on medicinal gesneriads, Jeanne Katzenstein A cash award from Greater New York chapter of AGGS in memory of Stanley Schwartz |
Best Episcia | Episcia 'Silverdust', Arleen Dewell A cash award from Greater New York chapter of AGGS in memory of Phyllis Rosenbluth |
Best Kohleria | Kohleria 'Manchu', Judy Padalino A cash award from Long Island Chapter of AGGS in memory of Stanley Schwatrz, a friend of Long Island chapter |
Best Lesser-Known Gesneriad | Rhytidophyllum exsertum, Robert Hall A cash award from Northern Illinois Gesneriad Society |
Best New World species | Rhytidophyllum exsertum, Robert Hall A cash award from Maryjane Evans in honor of Jeanne Katzenstein for 10 years as The Gloxinian editor |
Best Columnea | Columnea 'Goldheart', Maryjane Evans A cash award from Greater New York chapter of AGGS in memory of Miriam Goldberg |
Best miniature Sinningia | Sinningia 'Amizade', Gary Dunlap A cash award from Greater New York chapter of AGGS in memory of Marty and Zelda Mines |
Best Scented Gesneriad | Streptocarpus candidus, Joe Palagonia A cash award from Greater New York chapter of AGGS in memory of Jim Fryer |
Best New World species with medicinal properties | Columnea schiedeana, Robert Hall A cash award from Jeanne Katzenstein in honor of Hans Wiehler |
Best Brazialian species | Sinningia lindleyi, Robert Hall A cash award from Jeanne Katzenstein in honor of Mauro Peixoto |
Best Streptocarpus | Streptocarpus 'Gator's Tail', Heidi Dillenbeck A cash award from Greater New York chapter of AGGS in honor of Irwin Rosenblum |
Class Awards | |
Division I | |
Section A | |
Class 1 Sinningia speciosa hybrid #2 Exhibited by Betsy Sherwin A cash award from Carol Callaghan |
Class 2 Sinningia hirsuta Exhibited by Heidi Dillenbeck A cash award from Delaware chapter of AGGS and the Delaware African Violet Judges rosette |
Class 3 A Sinningia lindleyi Exhibited by Robert Hall A cash award from Arleen Dewell in honor of all AGGS chapters and affiliates |
Class 4 Sinningia 'Amizade' Exhibited by Gary Dunlap A cash award from Nellie Sleeth in honor of MJ Tyler |
Class 5 Sinningia 'Island Sherbet' Exhibited by Eleanor Taylor A cash award from Puget Sound Gesneriad Society in honor of Doreen Hovermale, President of Puget Sound Gesneriad Society |
Class 7 Chrysothemis pulchella Exhibited by Leslie Brothers A cash award from Grow and Study Gesneriad Club |
Section B | |
Class 10 A Kohleria 'Manchu' Exhibited by Judy Padalino A cash award from Dolly Crowder |
Class 10 B Kohleria 'Marquis de Sade' Exhibited by Gary Dunlap A cash award from Laura Shannon |
Class 12 Phinaea species USBRG 96-336 Exhibited by Paul Kroll A cash award from Toronto Gesneriad Society |
Class 13 x Achimenantha 'Golden Jubilee' Exhibited by Bill Price A cash award from Ben Paternoster in memory of Stanley Schwartz always the teacher |
Section C | |
Class 14 Codonanthe devosiana 'Paula' Exhibited by Gary Gordon A cash award from David, Colleen, and Nolan Turley in honor of Larry Skog |
Class 15 Columnea schiedeana Exhibited by Robert Hall A cash award from Heart of America Gesneriad Society |
Class 16 Episcia 'Suomi' Exhibited by Ben Paternoster A cash award from Tennessee Gesneriad Society in memory of Ben Channell |
Class 18 Nematanthus wettsyeinii Exhibited by Jeanne Katzenstein A cash award from American Gesneriad Society of San Francisco |
Section D | |
Class 20 Aeschynanthus hildebrandii 'Topaz' Exhibited by Lyndon Lyon Greenhouses A cash award from Peter Shalit in memory of Jack Unterecker |
Class 21 Chirita sclerophylla Exhibited by Robert Hall A cash award from David, Colleen, and Nolan Turley in honor of Larry Skog |
Class 22 Chirita 'Kazu' Exhibited by Judy Padalino A cash award from Puget Sound Gesneriad Society in honor of Doreen Hovermale, President of Puget Sound Gesneriad Society |
Class 23 Petrocosmea forrestii Exhibited by Linda Neumann a gift certificate from Violet Ventures |
Class 24 Saintpaulia rupicola Exhibited by Paul Kroll A cash award from Heart of America Gesneriad Society |
Class 26 Saintpaulia 'Summer Coral' Exhibited by Judy Padalino A cash award from Norma Chenkin in honor of Maryjane Evans |
Class 27 Saintpaulia 'Rob's Fiddle Faddle' Exhibited by Donna Coleman A cash award from Ben Paternoster in memory of Stanley Schwartz always the teacher |
Class 28 Saintpaulia 'Honeysuckle Rose' Exhibited by Paul Kroll A cash award from David, Colleen, and Nolan Turley in honor of Larry Skog |
Class 29 Streptocarpus 'Good Hope' Exhibited by Marcia Kilpatrick A cash award from Marlene Beam in honor of Miriam Denham |
Class 30 Streptocarpus candidus Exhibited by Joe Palagonia A cash award from Marlene Beam in memory of Stanley Schwatrz |
Class 31 A Streptocarpus 'Gator's Tail' Exhibited by Heidi Dillenbeck A cash award from Toronto Gesneriad Society |
Class 31 B Streptocarpus 'Samantha' Exhibited by Doris Brownlie A cash award from Atlanta Gesneriad Interest Group |
Class 31 C Streptocarpus 'Chorus Line' Exhibited by Lee Stradley A cash award from Bonita Hutcheson |
Class 32 Boea hemsleyana Exhibited by Robert Hall A cash award from Molly Schneider in memory of her mother Loys Marsden |
Section E | |
Class 33 A Chirita sinensis hybrid Exhibited by Doris Brownlie A cash award from Peter Shalit in memory of Jack Unterecker |
Class 33 B Chirita species USBRG 98-083 Exhibited by Bill Price A cash award from Ben Paternoster in honor of the exhibitors, judges, clerks, and flower show committee |
Class 34 Episcia 'Silverdust' Exhibited by Arleen Dewell A cash award from Ben Paternoster in honor of the exhibitors, judges, clerks, and flower show committee |
Class 35 Episcia 'Pink Dreams' Exhibited by Paul Kroll A cash award from Arleen Dewell in honor of all AGGS chapters and affiliates |
Class 36 Petrocosmea forrestii Exhibited by Mary Bozoian A cash award from Nellie Sleeth in honor of MJ Tyler |
Class 37 Columnea 'Goldheart' Exhibited by Maryjane Evans A cash award from Atlanta Gesneriad Interest Group |
Class 38 A Sinningia species Exhibited by Karyn Cichocki A cash award from Susan Grose |
Class 38 B Eucondonia andrieuxii 'Woolly Morrion' Exhibited by Marilyn Allen A cash award from Toronto Gesneriad Society |
Class 38 C x Brigandra calliantha Exhibited by Mary Bozoian A cash award from Toronto Gesneriad Society |
Class 39 Smithiantha 'Sassy Redhead' Exhibited by Al Romano A cash award from Tennessee Gesneriad Society in memory of Ben Channell |
Section F | |
Class 41 Petrocosmea species Exhibited by Maryjane Evans A cash award from Grow and Study Gesneriad Club |
Class 42 A Streptocarpus 'Little Pink Pixie' Exhibited by Heidi Dillenbeck A cash award from Molly Schneider in memory of her mother Loys Marsden |
Class 42 B Streptocarpus 'Canterbury Surprise' x 'Winter Dreams' seedling #4 Exhibited by Lee Stradley A cash award from David, Colleen, and Nolan Turley in honor of Larry Skog |
Class 42 C Sinningia 'Georgia Sunset' (F2) x Sinningia cardinalis 'Redcoat' Exhibited by Maryjane Evans A cash award from Ben Paternoster in honor of the exhibitors, judges, clerks, and flower show committee |
Class 43 Chirita hybrid Exhibited by John Boggan A cash award from Ben Paternoster in honor of the exhibitors, judges, clerks, and flower show committee |
Section G | |
Class 44 Pearcea sp. Equador Exhibited by Paul Kroll A cash award from Fay and Irwin Wagman |
Class 45 Rhytidophyllum exsertum Exhibited by Robert Hall A cash award from David, Colleen, and Nolan Turley in honor of Christian Feuillet |
Section H | |
Class 46 Streptocarpus collection Exhibited by Heidi Dillenbeck A cash award from Mary Bozoian in memory of Anne Crowley |
Section I | |
Class 48 Pentadenia orientandina Exhibited by Olive Ma Robinson A cash award from Paul Kroll in honor of Monte Watler |
Class 49 Episcia 'Kee Wee' Exhibited by Frank Kahn A cash award from Peter Shalit in memory of Jack Unterecker |
Division II | |
Section J | |
Class 50 Atlantic City Exhibited by Bob Clark A cash award from Janice Murasko |
Class 51 Cranberry Bogs Exhibited by Carol Callaghan A cash award from Gesneriad Gloxinia Growers in memory of Emma Lahr |
Class 52 Giant of Industry Exhibited by Bob Clark A cash award from Toronto Gesneriad Society |
Class 53 The Wizard of Menlo Park Exhibited by Paul Kroll A cash award from Peter Shalit in memory of Jack Unterecker |
Section K | |
Class 54 Goldfinch Exhibited by Karyn Cichocki A cash award from David, Colleen, and Nolan Turley in honor of Christian Feuillet |
Class 55 Shore to Please Exhibited by Karyn Cichocki A cash award from David, Colleen, and Nolan Turley in honor of Christian Feuillet |
Class 56 Lighthouse Exhibited by Karyn Cichocki A cash award from Toronto Gesneriad Society |
Class 57 Challenge Class Exhibited by Bob Clark A cash award from Ben Paternoster in memory of Stanley Schwatrz always the teacher |
Section L | |
Class 58 Cape May Diamonds Exhibited by Paul Kroll A cash award from Atlanta Gesneriad Interest Group |
Class 59 The Pine Barrens Exhibited by Karyn Cichocki A cash award from David, Colleen, and Nolan Turley in honor of Christian Feuillet |
Class 60 Truck Gardens Exhibited by Paul Kroll A cash award from Toronto Gesneriad Society |
Section M | |
Class 61 Terrarium, straight sided Exhibited by Jill Fischer A cash award from Mary Bozoian in memory of Jessie Crisafulli and in honor of Tony Crisafulli |
Class 62 Terrarium, curved Exhibited by Paul Kroll A cash award from Twin Cities chapter of AGGS |
Class 63 Tray landscape Exhibited by Karyn Cichocki A cash award from Paul Kroll in honor of Monte Watler |
Class 64 Natural Garden Exhibited by Paul Kroll A cash award from Toronto Gesneriad Society |
Class 65 trained Chirita linearifolia Exhibited by Linda Neumann A cash award from David, Colleen, and Nolan Turley in honor of Christian Feuillet |
Division III | |
Section O | |
Class 68 color transparency of Henckelia atrosanguinea Exhibited by Leong Tuck Lock A cash award from Gesneriad Gloxinia Growers in memory of Dale Munger and other deceased members of 3Gs |
Class 69 color print of Sinningia guttata Exhibited by John Evans A cash award from Delaware Chapter of AGGS |
Class 70 black and white print of Ramonda myconi Exhibited by Ron Myhr A cash award from Toronto Gesneriad Society |
Section P | |
Class 71 painting Streptocarpus 'Michael' Exhibited by Randy Baron A cash award from Dale Martens |
Class 72 textile Judges' Handbook Cover Exhibited by Marcia Kilpatrick A cash award from Dolly Crowder |
Division IV | |
Section Q | |
Class 74 display of 10 or more plants Exhibited by Lyndon Lyon Greenhouses A cash award from Laura Shannon |
Section R | |
Class 76 exhibit on medicinal gesneriads Exhibited by Jeanne Katzenstein A cash award from Lee Linett in memory of Stanley Schwartz |