2003 Convention Flower Show Awards




SWEEPSTAKES IN HORTICULTURE Ð to Bill Price for 12 blue ribbons, a cash award from the New England Chapter in memory of Jessie Crisafulli  

RUNNER-UP TO SWEEPSTAKES IN HORTICULTURE Ð to Barbara Elkin for 3 blue ribbons, a cash award from the Liberty Bell Chapter in loving memory of Laura Shannon

SWEEPSTAKES IN ARTISTIC Ð to Barbara Elkin for 5 blue ribbons, a cash award from the National Capital Area Chapter

RUNNER-UP TO SWEEPSTAKES IN ARTISTIC Ð to  L. Mae Mendes for 3 blue ribbons, a cash award from Ben Paternoster in honor of Frances Batcheller

BEST IN SHOW Ð to Bill Price for Titanotrichum oldhamii, a plaque from the Long Island Chapter in memory of Maryjane Evans

RUNNER-UP TO BEST IN SHOW Ð to Bill Price for Dalbergaria sanguinea, a cash award from the American Gesneriad Society of San Francisco

BEST ARTISTIC Ð to Paul Kroll for his challenge class arrangement "Roaring Camp", a cash award from the Peninsula Gesneriad Society in memory of Doris Cormier 

BEST IN THE ARTS Ð to Deb Weinman for her beaded vase, a cash award from the Culver City Gesneriad Society in memory of Berniece Kennerson

BEST NEW WORLD TUBEROUS GESNERIAD IN FLOWER Ð to Barbara Elkin for Sinningia leucotricha, a cash award from the Tampa Bay Gesneriad Society

BEST NEW WORLD RHIZOMATOUS GESNERIAD IN FLOWER  Р to Bill Price for Achimenes candida, a cash award from the Twin Cities Chapter  

BEST NEW WORLD FIBROUS-ROOTED HYBRID IN FLOWER Ð to Barbara Elkin for Episcia 'Cleopatra', a cash award from the Tampa Bay Gesneriad Society

BEST NEW WORLD FIBROUS-ROOTED SPECIES IN FLOWER Ð to Bill Price for Dalbergaria sanguinea, a cash award from Jeanne Katzenstein in memory of Hans Wiehler

BEST OLD WORLD HYBRID IN FLOWER Ð to Alan LaVergne for Streptocarpus 'Lone Jack', a cash award from the Tampa Bay Gesneriad Society

BEST OLD WORLD SPECIES IN FLOWER Ð to Bill Price for Aeschynanthus humilis, a cash award from Susan Grose in memory of Maryjane Evans and Hans Wiehler

BEST GESNERIAD GROWN FOR ORNAMENTAL QUALITIES OTHER THAN FLOWERS  Ð to Barbara Elkin for Pearcea hypocyrtiflora, a cash award from the Gateway West Gesneriad Society

BEST NEW GESNERIAD Ð to Dale Martens for Kohleria 'Texas Rainbow', a cash award from Jeanne Katzenstein in memory of Maryjane Evans

BEST LESSER-KNOWN GESNERIAD Ð to Bill Price for Titanotrichum oldhamii, a cash award from the Northern Illinois Chapter  

BEST COLLECTION OF GESNERIADS Ð to Jeani Hatfield for her Nautilocalyx Collection, a cash award from Karyn Cichocki in memory of Maryjane Evans and in honor of Jeanne Katzenstein

BEST GESNERIAD GROWN BY A NOVICE Ð to Margaret Gibson for Streptocarpus 'Ice Berg Blues', a cash award from the Toronto Gesneriad Society in memory of Maryjane Evans, good friend and mentor to us all

BEST ARRANGEMENT OF FRESH CUT AND/OR GROWING MATERIAL Ð to Barbara Elkin for "Camellia City", a cash award from the Culver City Gesneriad Society in memory of Bob Lindgren

BEST ARRANGEMENT OF FRESH CUT MATERIAL Ð to Paul Kroll, for "Fishing for Gold", a cash award from the Atlanta Gesneriad Interest Group

BEST ARRANGEMENT OF GROWING GESNERIADS Ð to Paul Kroll for "Little Gems", a cash award from Alan LaVergne in memory of Hans Wiehler   

BEST GROWING MATERIAL PLANTING Ð to L. Mae Mendes for her tray landscape, a cash award from the Pittsburgh Violet and Gesneriad Society in memory of Laura Shannon

BEST IN PHOTOGRAPHY Ð to Dale Martens for her black and white print of Sinningia 'Texas Zebra', an endowed cash award from the Crisafulli family in memory of Jessie and Anthony Crisafulli

BEST CRAFT Ð to Deb Weinman for her beaded vase, a cash award from Ben Paternoster in honor of the judges, clerks, and exhibitors at the 2003 Convention

BEST EDUCATIONAL EXHIBIT Ð to Debra LaVergne for her Educational Display on Sinningia Tubers, a cash award from the Greater New York Chapter in memory of Stanley Schwartz

BEST COLUMNEA Ð to Katherine Henwood for Columnea purpusii, a cash award from the Greater New York Chapter in memory of Miriam Goldberg

BEST EPISCIA Ð to Kathleen Roubal for Episcia 'Unpredictable Helen' a cash award from Joyce Myers, Nancy Gilson, Karen Panek, Marcia Jacobs, Marjorie Bullard, and Lee Stradley, in memory of Noel Williams

BEST MICRO-MINIATURE SINNINGIA Ð to Mary Bozoian for Sinningia sp. "Rio das Pedras", a cash award from the Frelinghuysen Arboretum Chapter in memory of Susan Schlieder

BEST STREPTOCARPUS Ð to Alan LaVergne for Streptocarpus 'Lone Jack', a cash award from the Greater New York Chapter in memory of Irwin Rosenblum

BEST CHIRITA Ð to Bill Price for Chirita walkerae, a cash award from the Toronto Gesneriad Society in honor of Monte Watler in appreciation for his tireless assistance and support

BEST SCENTED GESNERIAD Ð to Bill Price for Achimenes candida, a cash award from the Greater New York Chapter in memory of Jim Fryer

BEST RECENTLY REGISTERED Ð to Arleen Dewell for Chirita 'Cynthia', a cash award from the Gesneriad Hybridizers Association

BEST GESNERIAD GROWN BY THE EXHIBITOR FROM AGGS SEED FUND SEED Ð to Bill Price for Sinningia piresiana, a cash award from Mary Bozoian in memory of Maryjane Evans

JUDGES SPECIAL AWARD Ð to Bill Price for Chirita dielsii, a cash award from Ken and Vera Parker in honor of Ruth Jo McCoy, founder of the Delta Gesneriad and African Violet Society

JUDGES SPECIAL AWARD Ð to Peter Shalit for Chirita 'Vertigo', a cash award from Mary Bozoian in memory of Anne Crowley

JUDGES SPECIAL AWARD Ð to Olive Ma Robinson for Pentadenia orientandina, a cash award from Hans and Everdina Inpijn


Division I  Р HORTICULTURE  Р Class Awards

SECTION A  Р New World Gesneriads in Flower Ð Tuberous                    

Class 3A  Ð Sinningia leucotricha Ð to Barbara Elkin, a cash award from Paul Kroll in honor of Monte Watler

Class 3B Ð Sinningia piresiana Ð to Bill Price, a cash award from the Southern Arizona Gesneriad Society

Class 4  Р Sinningia 'Amizade' Ð to Carol Mark, a cash award from Karyn Cichocki in memory of Laura Shannon

Class 5  Р Sinningia species 'Doris' Ð to Jon Dixon, a cash award from the Gesneriad-Dicts of Western New York

SECTION B  Ð New World Gesneriads in Flower Ð Rhizomatous

   Class 8 Ð Achimenes candida Ð to Bill Price, a cash award from Dale Martens         

Class 10  Р Kohleria spicata 'MacDougal' Ð to Bill Price, a cash award from Ben Paternoster in memory of Hans Wiehler

Class 11  Р Smithiantha 'Speckled Salmon' Ð to Arleen Dewell, a cash award from Carolyn Conlin-Lane

Class 12  Р Phinaea multiflora 'Tracery' Ð to Mary Bozoian, a cash award from Dolly Crowder in memory of Marna Striepens

Class 13  Ð Niphaea oblonga Ð to Arleen Dewell, a cash award from Nellie Sleeth in memory of Hans Wiehler

SECTION C  Ð New World Gesneriads in Flower Ð Fibrous-Rooted      

Class 15  Р Dalbergaria sanguinea Ð to Bill Price, a cash award from Lauray of Salisbury

Class 16A  Р Alsobia dianthiflora Ð to Ben Paternoster, a cash award from the Heart of America Chapter

Class 16B Ð Episcia 'Cleopatra' Ð to Barbara Elkin, a cash award from Carol Callaghan in memory of Laura Shannon

Class 17 Ð Gesneria rupincola Ð to Bill Price, a cash award from Jeanne Katzenstein in memory of Maryjane Evans

Class 18  Р Nematanthus gregarius 'Golden West' Ð to Katherine Henwood, a cash award from Lauray of Salisbury

Class 19 Ð Paradrymonia ciliosa Ð to Bill Price, a cash award from the Grow and Study Chapter

SECTION D  Ð Old World Gesneriads in Flower

Class 20  Р Aeschynanthus humilis Ð to Bill Price, a cash award from the Delta Gesneriad and African Violet Society

Class 21A  Р Chirita gemella Ð to Paul Kroll, a cash award from Gloxinia Gesneriad Growers in memory of Emma Lahr

Class 21B Ð Chirita walkerae Ð to Bill Price, a cash award from Paul Kroll in honor of Frances Batcheller

Class 22  Р Chirita 'Kitaguni' Ð to Jon Dixon, a cash award from Bonita Hutcheson in memory of David Jepsen

Class 23  Р Petrocosmea nervosa Ð to Bob Clark, a cash award from Mary Bozoian in memory of Laura Shannon

Class 24  Р Saintpaulia rupicola Ð to Bill Price, a cash award from the Toronto Gesneriad Society in memory of Maryjane Evans

Class 28  Р Saintpaulia 'Tensie's Trail' Ð to Bill Price, a gift certificate from Violet Ventures in memory of Dave Tyler

Class 30  Р Streptocarpus haygarthii Ð to Katherine Henwood, a cash award from Wanda McNair

Class 31  Р Streptocarpus 'Lone Jack' Ð to Alan LaVergne, a cash award from the Toronto Gesneriad Society in memory of Maryjane Evans   

Class 32  Р Rhabdothamnus solandri Ð to Patrick Jesse Pons-Worley, a cash award from Arleen Dewell in honor of AGGS Chapters and Affiliates

SECTION E  Р Gesneriads Grown for Ornamental Qualities Other Than Flowers             

Class 33A Р Chirita fimbrisepala 'Wuhan' Рto Lynn Lombard, a cash award from the Puget Sound Chapter in memory of Dave Tyler

Class 33B Р Chirita 'Moonlight' Рto Patsy Boddy, a cash award from Ben Paternoster in memory of Jo Hawley

Class 34  Р Episcia 'Silver Skies' Ð to Vera Parker, a cash award from the Greater New York Chapter in memory of Phyllis Rosenbluth

Class 35  Р Episcia 'Unpredictable Helen' Ð to Kathleen Roubal, a cash award from the Pittsburgh Violet and Gesneriad Society

Class 36  Р Petrocosmea begoniifolia Ð to Paul Kroll, a cash award from the Heart of America Chapter

Class 37  Р Nematanthus gregarius  'Dibley's Gold'' Ð to Jacquie Eisenhut, a cash award from Peter Shalit in memory of Jack Unterecker

Class 38A Р Pearcea hypocyrtiflora Рto Barbara Elkin, a cash award from Ben Paternoster in memory of Laura Shannon

Class 38B Р Sinningia leucotricha Рto Jon Dixon, a cash award from the New Jersey Chapter in memory of Laura Shannon

Class 38C Р Corytoplectus capitatus Рto Katherine Henwood, a cash award from Peter Shalit in memory of Jack Unterecker

Class 39  Р Nematanthus  'Othello' Ð to Alan LaVergne, a cash award from David, Colleen, and Nolan Turley in loving memory of Maryjane Evans

SECTION F  Р New Gesneriads

Class 40  Р Sinningia sp. "Rio das Pedras" Ð to Mary Bozoian, a cash award from the Frelinghuysen Arboretum Chatper in memory of Maryjane Evans     

Class 42 Р Kohleria 'Texas Plum Puddin'  Ð to Bill Price, a cash award from Alan LaVergne in honor and memory of the caretakers of the Seed Fund, past and present

Class 43  Р Kohleria 'Texas Rainbow' Ð to Dale Martens, a cash award from David, Colleen, and Nolan Turley in loving memory of Maryjane Evans

SECTION G  Р Lesser-Known Gesneriads Seldom Grown or Seen in Shows              

Class 44  Р Titanotrichum oldhamii Ð to Bill Price, a cash award from Alan LaVergne in honor of the donors to the Seed Fund

SECTION H  Ð Collections of Gesneriads               

Class 46  Р Nautilocalyx Collection Ð to Jeani Hatfield, a cash award from Lee Linett in memory of Laura Shannon

SECTION I  Р Gesneriads Grown by a Novice        

Class 48  Р Streptocarpus seedling 'Texas Komachi' × 'Texas Hot Chili' Ð to Margaret Gibson, a cash award from the Puget Sound Chapter in memory of Dave Tyler

Class 49  Р Streptocarpus  'Ice Berg Blues' Ð to Margaret Gibson, a cash award from Lee Linett in memory of Irwin Rosenblum


Division II  Р ARTISTIC  Р Class Awards

SECTION J  Р Arrangement of Fresh Cut and/or Growing Material                

Class 51  Р "Camellia City" Ð to Barbara Elkin, a cash award from the Grow and Study Gesneriad Society

Class 52  Р "Old Town" Ð to Barbara Elkin, a cash award from the Delta Gesneriad and African Violet Society 

Class 53  Р "Sunset Limited" Ð to Barbara Elkin, a cash award from the Toronto Gesneriad Society in honor of Monte Watler

SECTION K  Р Arrangement of Fresh Cut Plant Material            

Class 54  Р "Jazz Jubilee" Ð to Barbara Elkin, a cash award from the Atlanta Gesneriad Interest Group

Class 55  Р "The Cathedral" Ð to L. Mae Mendes, a cash award from Lee Linett in memory of Earl Deroche

Class 56  Р "Fishing for Gold" Ð to Paul Kroll, a cash award from Molly Schneider

Class 57  Р Challenge Class "Roaring Camp" Ð to Paul Kroll, a cash award from Alan LaVergne in honor of the donors to the Seed Fund

SECTION L  Р Arrangement of Growing Material             

Class 60  Р "Little Gems" Ð to Paul Kroll, a cash award from the Tennessee Gesneriad Society in memory of Kibby Clayton

SECTION M  Р Growing Material in a Planting             

Class 61  Р Terrarium (straight-sided) Ð to L. Mae Mendes, a cash award from Peter Shalit in memory of Jack Unterecker

Class 63  Р Tray Landscape Ð to L. Mae Mendes, a cash award from the Greater New York Chapter in honor of Lavia Berland

Class 64  Р Natural Garden Ð to Barbara Elkin, a cash award from Dolly Crowder in memory of Marna Striepens

Class 65  Р Columnea linearis 'Purple Robe' (bonsai) Ð to Bill Price, a cash award from the Toronto Gesneriad Society in honor of Monte Watler

Class 66 Ð Gesneriad in Other Container Ð to Jacquie Eisenhut, a cash award from Lee Linett in memory of Dave Tyler


Division III  Р THE ARTS  Р Class Awards

SECTION  O Р Photography            

Class 68  Р Color Transparency of Calyx-double Sinningia seedling Ð to Dale Martens, a cash award from Lee Linett in memory of Tony Crisafulli

Class 69  Р Color Print of Kohleria seedling Ð to Dale Martens, a cash award from the Greater New York Chapter in memory of Jo Hawley

Class 70  Р B&W Print of Sinningia 'Texas Zebra' Ð to Dale Martens, a cash award from Ben Paternoster in memory of Dave Tyler

SECTION P  Р Crafts Representing Gesneriads            

Class 72  Р Cross-stitch African Violet on Sweatshirt Ð to Barbara Elkin, a cash award from the Southern Arizona Gesneriad Society

Class 73A Ð Framed Cross-stitch African Violet Ð to Leona Faoro, a cash award from Mary Bozoian in memory of Tony and Jessie Crisafulli

Class 73B Ð Beaded Vase Ð to Deb Weinman, a cash award from Ben Paternoster in memory of Earl Deroche

Class 73C Ð Pressed Flower Picture Ð to Karyn Cichocki, a cash award from the Gesneriad-Dicts of Western New York



SECTION R  Р Educational               

Class 75  Р Exhibit on Sinningia Tubers Ð to Debra LaVergne, a cash award from the African Violet and Gesneriad Society of Western New York





Awards that were unable to be awarded and will be donated to the Gloxinian color fund:


Best New Species not in flower, an award from the Frelinghuysen Arboretum Gesneriad Society in memory of Maryjane Evans


Best Lesser-Known Gesneriad not in flower, an award from David, Colleen, and Nolan Turley in loving memory of Maryjane Evans


Best Commercial Exhibit, an award from Allannah's Greenhouses


Best Miniature Sinningia, an award from the Greater New York Chapter in memory of Marty & Zelda Mines


An award from Carolyn Conlin-Lane