2016 Convention – Chairpersons

Gesneriads in the First State
July 5 to July 9, 2016


Convention Jo Anne Martinez
Convention Coordinator Jeanne Katzenstein
Convention Registrar Mary Helen Maran
Development Committee/Auction Tom Bruning and Doris Carson
Phytosanitary Inspections Mary Helen Maran and Paul Susi
Shows & Judging Arleen Dewell
Awards Paul Susi
Local Convention Chair Mary Schaeffer
Artwork Terry & Fiore Celano
Booklet Terry Celano and Mary Schaeffer
Packet Ray Ruger and Julia Lynch
Publicity Bill Dillon and Paul Susi
Plant Sales Mel Grice and Jill Fischer
Speakers Jim Roberts and Stephen Maciejewski
Special Events & Transportation Stephanie Griffith
Table Favors & Volunteers Elizabeth Varley
Treasurer Bobbie Lafashia
Flower Show Co-Chairs Ben Paternoster and Barb Borleske
Artistic Schedule Bobbie Lafashia and Terry Celano
Arts and Artistic Reservations Judy Smith
Classification & Plant Inspection Peter Shalit
Educational & Commercial Gary Hunter
Entries Karyn Cichocki
Judges & Clerks Susan Grose
Placement Rosemary Platz
Plant Maintenance Russ Strover
Staging Jeanne Katzenstein