2017 Convention – Chairpersons
Gesneriads Gone Wild!
July 4 to July 8, 2017
Convention | Jo Anne Martinez |
Convention Coordinator | Jeanne Katzenstein |
Convention Registrar | Mary Helen Maran |
Development Committee/Auction | Betsy Gottshall / Molly Schneider and Elizabeth Varley |
Phytosanitary Inspections | Mary Helen Maran and Paul Susi |
Shows & Judging | Arleen Dewell |
Awards | Paul Susi |
Local Convention Chair | Brandon Erikson and Scott Evans |
Artwork | Brandon Erikson |
Booklet | Anne Pamperl and Loris Purtzer |
Packet | Bonnie Bake and Anne Vidaver |
Plant Sales | Mel Grice and Betsy Gottshall |
Publicity | Brandon Erikson and Scott Evans |
Speakers | Scott Evans |
Special Events & Transportation | Brandon Erikson |
Table Favors | Nancy Moerer |
Treasurer | Tom Bruning |
Volunteers | Ann Thiel and Barb Bures |
Flower Show | Tom Bruning |
Artistic Schedule | Paul Kroll |
Classification & Plant Inspection | Bob Stewart |
Entries | Jim Roberts |
Judges & Clerks | Susan Grose |
Placement | Elizabeth Varley |
Plant Maintenance | Jerry Lin |
Reservations – Divisions II/III/IV | Linda Hall |
Staging | Randy Deutsch |