Columnea ‘Keemun Black Tea’

Columnea ‘Keemun Black Tea’, 2022, IR221736, hybridized by Ya-Na Wang; Jia-Qi Qin; GCCC(Shanghai), Shanghai Botanical Garden of China; China. (C. crassifolia x C. purpureovittata). Cross made 02.15.2019, seeds planted 07.07.2019, first flowering 12.08.2020. Fertile, reproducible only vegetatively. Trailing habit, stem 20-37 cm. Leaves dark green, mottled with lighter green areas, 9-11 cm long, 2-3 cm wide, 0.8-1.2 cm petiole, linear with cuneate base, acute tip, smooth. Calyx split, green, 14-16 mm. Length of the pedicel 1.5-1.8 cm, 2 flowers per axil. Corolla salverform, 6.6-7.3 cm long, 2.8-3.6 cm wide, red. Epiphytic. Enjoys bright scattered light; prefers the moderately moist substrate; too much water will cause weak stems; the temperature should be between 10℃ and 35℃.

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