The Gesneriad Society must rely on its friends and supporters to ensure the Society’s strong financial footing and to help with gesneriad research.
Your donations are tax deductible, since the Society is a tax-exempt organization with an IRS section 501(c)(3) tax status for donations. You can make a donation to The Gesneriad Society in someone's memory or honor. You will have the opportunity to do this during the checkout process or on the mail-in form.
Find out about the funds to which you can donate
To make an online donation enter
To make a donation by mail:
Complete the printed version of our
donation form which can be found here. (opens in new window)
Make checks or money orders payable, in US$ on a US bank to The Gesneriad Society, Inc. and submit completed form with payment to:
Paul Susi, Development Chairperson
2 Rushmore Street
Huntington Station, NY 11746, USA
To obtain additional information about making a
donation to the Society, contact the Development Chairperson: Paul Susi.