If you need to contact someone in The Gesneriad Society, use the email links
provided below. If you can’t decide which email to use, contact
webmaster Or, you
may write to:
Information, The Gesneriad Society
1122 East Pike Street, PMB 637
Seattle, WA 98122-3916 USA
If you have a particular issue that you need resolved, you can contact the Society’s
Ombudsman, Susan Grose
Calendar of Events
On-line Events Editor: Mary Schaeffer
Chapters and Affiliates
Committee Chairperson: Charlene Marietti
Chairperson: Jo Anne Martinez
Development Chairperson: Paul Susi
Editor: Peter Shalit
Advertising Manager: Tom Bruning
Exchange Ads: Fay Wagman
Contributing Editor: Dale Martens
Events: Mary Schaeffer
Gesneriad Hybrid Registration:
Registrar: Irina Nicolson
Editor: Mel Grice
Chairperson: Dariane Joshlin
Member Address Change
Membership Secretary: Bob Clark
Membership Secretary: Bob Clark
Paul Susi
Publications (back issues of Gesneriads, CDs, Registers)
Publications Chairperson: Jeanne Katzenstein
Research Grants
Research Committee Chairperson: Alain Chautems
Scholarship Grants
Scholarship Committee Chairperson: Eric Roalson
Seed Fund
Species: Carolyn Ripps
Hybrids: Gussie Farrice
Shows and Judging
Chairperson : Arleen Dewell
Flower Show Awards Chairperson: Paul Lee
Speaker's Bureau
Speakers Chairperson: Karyn Cichocki
Student Grants
Student Grant Committee Co-Chairpersons: Jeanne Katzenstein and Stephen Maciejewski
Interest Groups
Judges' Interest Group, Appraisal newsletter Editor: Mel Grice - Subscriptions: Mary Lou Robbins
Gesneriad Hybridizer's Association Membership: Martha Lacy, Chairperson: Dale Martens