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Committees, Staff & Interest Groups

There are a number of committees that have specific responsibilities, either as described in the Bylaws (standing committees) or as determined by the president (ad-hoc committees).

In addition, there are a number of staff positions that are needed for the efficient operation of the Society. The President, with the approval of the Board of Directors, appoints committee chairpersons and staff, with the exception of the Nominating Committee.

Committee Chairpersons:

Awards of Appreciation - Molly Schneider
Bylaws - Irwin Wagman
Chapters and Affiliates – Charlene Marietti
Conservation –Stephen Maciejewski and Jeremy Keene, Co-Chairs
Conventions – Jo Anne Martinez
Development - Paul Susi
Elvin McDonald Research Endowment Fund - Alain Chautems
Finance - Michael Riley 
Frances Batcheller Endowment Fund - Tom Bruning
Gesneriad Hybridizers Association - Dale Martens
Gesneriad Register - Irina Nicholson
Gesneriad Research Center Fund - Jo Anne Martinez
Historian - Suzie Larouche
Insurance - Dariane Joshlin
Internet Communications - Julie Mavity-Hudson
Membership Promotion - Fay Wagman
Merchandise - Carol Ann Bonner; Order Fulfillment: Kathy Spissman
Nellie D Sleeth Scholarship Endowment Fund - Eric Roalson
Nominating Committee - Ben Paternoster
Photography - Julie Mavity-Hudson
Properties - Doris Brownlie
Publications - Jeanne Katzenstein, Chairperson; Nancy Kast, Order Fulfillment, Mel Grice, Gleanings
Review - Suzie Larouche
Seed Fund - Carolyn Ripps (Species), Gussie Farrice (Hybrids), Karyn Cichocki, Seed Coordinator
Shows and Judging - Arleen Dewell, Chairperson; Paul Lee, Awards
Speakers Bureau - Quentin Schlieder
Standing Rules - Susan Grose
Student and Speakers Convention Fund – Jo Anne Martinez
Student Grant Committee – Jeanne Katzenstein and Stephen Maciejewski


Appointed Staff

Membership Secretary: Bob Clark 
Parliamentarian: Irwin Wagman


Editor: Peter Shalit 
Business Manager: Michael Riley 
Advertising Manager: Tom Bruning

Interest Groups

There are currently two interest groups within The Gesneriad Society. Interest groups provide opportunities for members with specific interests and provide speakers at the annual convention. Each interest group publishes a newsletter or blog. The current interest groups are:

The Judges Interest Group - Chairperson of Shows and Judging: Arleen Dewell; Newsletter: Appraisal; Editor, Mel Grice; Subscriptions, Mary Lou Robbins

The Gesneriad Hybridizers Association – Chairperson: Dale Martens;  Newsletter: CrossWords; co-editors, Dale Martens and Linda Zillich; Membership, Martha Lacy

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