Seed Fund – Hybrids
Seed Fund Ordering
Ordering from the Seed Fund is a membership benefit. Join The Gesneriad Society to order seeds and enjoy other membership benefits! Members should login for complete ordering information. If you have already logged on to the Members Area, click Members Area (at the top of this page) to return and mail in your order. View the latest species listing.
Achimenes (D)
- *‘Blueberry Puzzle’ (OP)
- ‘Electra’ (OP)
- ‘Elke’ (OP)
- ‘Harveyi’ x self (OP)
- longiflora × ‘Klaus Neubner’
- hybrid mix (B,L)
Aeschynanthus (B)
- ‘Thai Pink’ × self
- hybrid, large orange/red
Chrysothemis (F,LM)
- *pulchella hybrid mix
- hybrid mix
Columnea (B)
- ‘Jude’ × self
- hybrids (orange)
- sp. aff. ecuadorensis × ‘Francisco Pizzaro’
Episcia (H,L,B,F)
- cupreata yellow hybrids mix
- cupreata hybrids mix
- hybrid mix
- yellow hybrids
Eucodonia (D,F,P)
- ‘Adele x self
- verticillata ‘Cecilia’ × Eucodonia hybrids reverse crosses
- hybrid mix
Gesneria (H,F,L)
- citrina hybrid × self
- ‘Flashdance’ × self
- ‘Sundrop’ seedling × self
Kohleria (D)
- hybrid mix
- * ‘Brimstone’ x self
- ‘Peridots Kitlope’ x self
- caliginosa × sericea
- sericea × caliginosa
- viola × caliginosa
- * ‘Dreamtime’ × self (sp. ‘New York’ x flavimaculata)
- linearicalyx × dryas ‘Hisako’
- linearicalyx × P. ‘Sweet Dreams’
- longgangensis × petrocosmeoides
- ‘Medusa’ × self
- purpurascens ‘Purple Prince’ x self
- sylvatica hybrid × self
- aggregata × araneosa
- (aggregata [Yellow] × sellovii) × self
- araneosa hybrid open pollinated
- araneosa hybrid × self
- brasiliensis × ‘Towering Inferno’
- (bullata × leucotricha) × self
- (calcarea × reitzii) × self
- canescens × leucotricha ‘Max Dekking’
- cardinalis × glazioviana
- cardinalis hybrids
- cardinalis ‘Innocent’ × iarae (LM)
- (cardinalis ‘Innocent’ × iarae) × self
- (cardinalis × iarae) × self
- [(cardinalis × leucotricha) × leopoldii] × self
- cardinalis × double orange hybrid
- (cardinalis ‘Skydiver’ × iarae) × self
- conspicua × cardinalis
- eumorpha hybrids mix (F,R)
- (eumorpha ‘Saltao’× piresiana) × conspicua
- glazioviana × leopoldii F2 (LM)
- guttata × speciosa ‘Cabo Frio’
- (iarae × cardinalis compact) × self
- leopoldii × iarae
- leopoldii × ‘Peridots Patchwork Quilt’
- (leucotricha × bulbosa) × self
- (leucotricha × cardinalis) × leopoldii × self
- (leucotricha × cardinalis) × self
- leucotricha× leopoldii
- leucotricha × ‘Apricot Bouquet’
- leucotricha × piresiana
- sellovii small pink hybrid × self
- (sellovii × ‘Apricot Bouquet’) × self
- sellovii × araneosa
- sellovii × ‘Peridots Sand Pebbles’
- sellovii × tubiflora × self
- sellovi × unknown sp.
- (sellovii × warmingii) × araneosa hybrid
- (sellovii x warmingii) × ‘Mama Cat’
- (sellovii × warmingii) × self
- (sellovii × warmingii) (OP)
- sellovii hybrid mix (OP)
- (tubiflora × ‘Apricot Bouquet’) × (sellovii × tubiflora)
- (tubiflora × incarnata) × self
- ‘Anne Crowley’ × self (F,L)
- ‘Apricot Bouquet’ seedling × ‘Apricot Bouquet’ (LM)
- ‘Apricot Bouquet’ × self (LM)
- (‘Apricot Bouquet’ × self) × self (LM)
- ‘Apricot Bouquet’ seedling × conspicua (F,L)
- ‘Apricot Bouquet’ hybrids
- ‘April Pink’ × self
- ‘Arkansas Bells’ × self
- ‘Bananas Foster’ × self
- ‘Bananas Foster’ × self (OP)
- ‘Beata’ × self (leucotricha × leopoldii)
- ‘Bewitched’ × self (F,L)
- ‘Butter & Cream’ (OP)
- ‘Butter Cream’ x ‘Mama Cat’ (OP)
- (‘Butter & Cream’ × ‘Mama Cat’) × self
- ‘Carolyn’ × self
- ‘Cherries Jubilee’ (OP)
- ‘Cherries Jubilee’ × self
- ‘Cindy-Ella’ × self
- ‘Claire’s Choice’ × self
- ‘Country Tiger’ × self (mini)
- ‘Delta Fox’ × self (F,P)
- ‘Diego’ (red) (F,L)
- ‘Diego’ (pink)
- ‘Dollbaby’ × self
- ‘Doris’ F3 × self
- * ‘Elin’ × leucotricha
- ‘Esther × self
- F3 of richii ‘Robson Lopes’ × ‘Itamaraju’ (pale yellow)
- ‘Flamenco Apricot Bouquet’ × self
- (“Florianopolis” x leopoldii) × self
- ‘Frank Kohn’ (OP)
- ‘Fuzzy Bear’ × self
- ‘Georgia Peach’
- ‘Good Pink’ × self (F,L)
- ‘Gyllenblom’ × ‘Raketbain’
- * ‘Jubilee’ × self (F,L)
- * ‘Krezdorn Yellow’ × self (L)
- * ‘Krishna’ × self
- ‘Lavender Crest’ × self
- ‘Little Imp’ × self (F,P)
- ‘Lovely’ x self (OP)
- ‘Mama Cat’ × self
- ‘Maiden’s Blush’ × self (F,P)
- ‘Mother of Pearl’ × self (F,P)
- ‘Mothers Day’ × self (F,L)
- ‘Nora’s Moonlight’ × self (mini)
- (‘Nora’s Moonlight’ × self) × self (mini)
- ‘Ozark Pink Petunia’ × self
- ‘Pale Beauty’ × self (L)
- ‘Peridots Blazer’ × self
- ‘Peridots Patchwork Quilt’ × self
- ‘Pink Pearl’ × self
- ‘Pink Petite’ × self
- ‘Premier Pink’ × self (F,P)
- ‘Pure Pink’ × self (F,P)
- ‘Raketbarn’ × self
- ‘Romanza’ × self
- Royal Robe × self
- *‘Ruby Red’ × self (F,P)
- ‘Scarlet O’Hara’ × self
- ‘Scarlet Sunset’ × self (F,P)
- ‘Speckles’ x self
- ‘Super Pink’ × self
- ‘Tall’ x sellovii
- ‘Tampa Bay Beauty’ × self (L)
- ‘Towering Inferno’ × self
- ‘Towering Inferno’ × self (OP)
- * ‘Treva McDaniel’ × self
- ‘Ugly Girl’ x unknown
- ‘Vevette’ × self
- * ‘Winkie’ × self
- hybrid (peach) × self
- Super Mini F5
- * ‘Georgia Sunset’ hybrid mix
- “Hummingbird Mix”
- miniature hybrid mix (F,P)
- * miniature hybrid mix (lav/purple) (F,P)
- pink hybrid mix
- peloric hybrid mix
- peloric hybrid mix, red
Sinningia speciosa hybrids (F,R)
- blue × self
- lavender/pink spots
- mini
- lavender
- pink
- red
- rose
- white
- white × red
- pink dwarf
- * purple peloric
- purple picotee
- * purple × pink
- purple w/spots
- red picotee
- red w/spots
- red w/white edge
- solid dark purple
- white w/red spots
- white/lavender
- “California Minis”
- Chiltern hybrid
- blue slipper
- blue slipper × self
- ‘Avenida Niemeyer’ × S. macrophylla
- ‘Empress’ purple × self
- (‘Hungarian Rose Spot’ × self) x self
- ‘Lorna Ohlgren’ × self
- lavender & pink slipper × self
- lavender slipper
- pink slipper
- red slipper
- AC1503 × speciosa ‘Regina’
- speciosa ‘Regina’ × AC 1503
- blue mix
- orchid/purple mix
- pink mix
- pink/white mix
- pink & white slipper
- pink and white × purple
- purple × red
- red mix
- * slipper mix
- Charles Lawn hybrid mix
- Jack Evans purple mix
- Red spotted × red spotted sibling
- ‘Regina’ hybrid
- ‘Regina × speciosa AC1503
- speciosa × conspicua
- Small’s dwarf mix
- white × red
- white slippers
- mixed hybrids
Smithiantha (D)
- hybrid (white)
- (‘Dale’s Sassy Redhead’ × ‘Dale’s Texas Delight’) × self
- ‘Jan’s Surprise’ × ‘Tropical Sunset’
- * ‘Little One’ (F,L)
- ‘Sassy Redhead’ × ‘An’s Sognare Firenze’
- ‘Southwest’ × unknown
- ‘Vivian’s Gift’ × ‘Sunrise Thunder’
Streptocarpus subg. Streptocarpus
- ‘3S Fernweh’
- ‘Allyssa’ x ‘Roulette Cherry’
- ‘Amy’ × self
- * ‘Bethan’ × self
- ‘Black Panther’ × self
- ‘Bristol’s Charm’ × self
- ‘Bristol’s Daisy Jane’ × self
- ‘Bristol’s Gum Drop’ × self
- ‘Bristol’s Hey Mei’ × self
- ‘Bristol’s Hot Rod’ × self
- ‘Bristol’s Ice Castle’ × self
- ‘Bristol’s Luv It’ × self
- ‘Bristol’s Party Boy’ × ‘Cherry Flambe’
- ‘Bristol’s Popsicle’ × self
- *’Bristol’s Ripe Melon’ × self
- ‘Canterbury Surprise’ × self (V)
- (‘Canterbury Surprise’ × ‘Bristol’s Leopard Skin’) × self
- ‘Canterbury Surprise’ × ‘Charlotte’
- *’Canterbury Surprise’ × ‘Coral Flair’ (V)
- ‘Canterbury Surprise’ × ‘Emily’s Song’
- ‘Cape Beauties’ × self (F,P)
- ‘Carolina Dreaming’ × self
- ‘Charlotte’ × self
- ‘Charlotte’ × ‘Northwoods Bear-ly Salmon’
- ‘Cherry Flambe’ × self
- ‘Crystal Wonder’ × self
- DS-2003 × self
- ‘Demeter’ × self
- ‘Elegance’ × self
- ‘Ella Mae’ × self
- ‘Ella Mae’ × “Blue Variety”
- ‘Falling Stars’ × self
- ‘Fancy Pants’ × self
- ‘Feathered Silk’ × self
- ‘Fernwood’s Cherries Jubilee’ × self
- ‘Fernwood’s Fairy Princess’ × self
- ‘Festival Wales’ × self
- ‘Fleischle’s Princesse’ × self
- ‘Fleischle’s Roulette Cherry’ × self
- ‘Franken Jane Elizabeth’ × self
- ‘Franken Stacey’ × self
- ‘Gator’s Tail’ × self
- ‘Good Vibrations’ × (primulifolius × rexii selfed)
- ‘Hera’ × self
- ‘Ice Berg Blues’ × ‘Guidelines’
- ‘Ice Berg Blues’ × (‘Canterbury Surprise’ × ‘Bristol’s Leopard Skin’)
- ‘Iced Artistry’ × self
- ‘Jane Elizabeth’ × “Blue Variety”
- ‘Jenny’ × self
- *’Jim Vlasik’s pink seedling × ‘Natalie
- ‘Ken’s Purple’ × self
- ‘Keri’s Purple’ × self
- ‘Kim’ × self
- ‘Kitten Face’ × self
- ‘Lavender Rosette’ x self
- ‘London Fog’ x self
- ‘Midnight Flame’ × self
- ‘Mini Pink Fu’ × self
- ‘Northwoods Bear-ly Salmon’ × self
- ‘Northwood’s Bear-ly Salmon’ × ‘Iced Amethyst Showoff’
- ‘Northwoods Bear-ly Salmon’ × ‘Velma’
- Pale lilac netted × self
- ‘Park’s Holiday Hybrid’ × self
- ‘Party Doll’ × self
- ‘Passion Pink’ × self
- ‘Pegasus’ × self
- ‘Persephone’ × self
- ‘Piment Ornamental’
- ‘Roulette Azure’ x ‘Roulette Cherry’
- ‘Royal’ (red)
- ‘Royal’ (white/pink stripes)
- ‘Sandra’ × self
- ‘Saturn × self
- ‘Scarlet Glitter’ × unknown
- ‘Smooched’ × self
- ‘Somerset Purple Ice’ × self
- ‘Spooky’ × self
- ‘Stacey’ × “Blue Variety”
- ‘Stonewashed’ × self
- ‘Sue mini’ × self
- * ‘Suzie’ × self
- ‘Thalia’ × self
- ‘UA-Enchanted Forest’ x self
- ‘Velma’ × self
- ‘Wow’ × self
- (confusus ssp. confusus × polyanthus ssp. verecundus) × self
- *johannis x unknown
- (polyanthus ssp. polyanthus × prolixus JT04-11) × self
- (primulifolius × rexii) × self
- * rexii × gardenii
- rexii hybrids
- * Wiesmoor hybrids
- hybrid, lt blue/dk blue lines
- hybrid, lg purple
- hybrid, lg white
- hybrid, lg mixed colors
- hybrid, pink/pink
- hybrid, red
- hybrid, red × self
- hybrid, white/pink × self
- hybrid mix
- Dibleys Pink Bouquet Mix
- New Zealand hybrid mix
Subgenus Streptocarpella sect. other than Saintpaulia
- hybrid, white/pink flowers
- ‘Concord Blue’ x self
- ‘Concord Blue’ (shiny leaf)
- (‘Epupa Falls’ × self) x self
- Paliavana prasinata × Sinningia macropoda MP 944
- Paliavana prasinata × Sinningia reitzii MP 949
- * ×Gloximannia ‘Circe’ × self
- ×Achimenantha ‘Shogun’ (op)
- Mixed gesneriad hybrids
* Limited quantities available. Packet may contain small amount of seed