The Judges Interest Group

The Judges Interest Group enables certified judges to exchange ideas about judging and the judging process.

All certified Gesneriad Society judges are members of this interest group. The group meets yearly at each convention to review and discuss topics related to judging and to assist the Chairperson of Shows and Judging in improving both the judging and showing of gesneriads. The convention meeting is open to all, judges and non-judges alike.

Appraisal is the publication of this interest group and subscriptions are available to everyone – you don’t have to be a judge or a member of the Society to subscribe.

The 2016 Flower Show Manual is an invaluable tool in learning how to run a show, judge gesneriads, and also how to show gesneriads. Members can download it free in the members area.

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Sample Issues of Appraisal

Here are several issues of Appraisal for you to read.