Chapter Information
Updates to chapter information (president or meeting locations and dates) should be sent to Karyn Cichocki, the Chapters and Affiliates Chairperson. Information regarding shows and sales should be sent to the Events Editor. Your event will be featured on the Events page and also in Gesneriads.
Desert Sun African Violet and Gesneriad Society
President, Karen Broadway. The chapter meets on the second Tuesday of each month at various members’ homes throughout the Valley from September through June. Meetings start at 10:00 a.m. For more info contact president, Karen Broadway.
Culver City Chapter
President, Rosalind Gold. Meetings are on the third Saturday each month at 10:00 a.m. at the Culver City Memorial Auditorium 4117 Overland Ave, Room C, Culver City, CA. More information is available by email.
Delta Gesneriad & African Violet Society
President, Bev Moon. Meetings are the third Wednesday of each month at 11 a.m. (sack lunch at noon) at the Shepard Garden and Arts Center, 3300 McKinley Boulevard, Sacramento, CA. More information is available via e-mail.
South Coast African Violet & Gesneriad Society (formerly Grow & Study Gesneriad Society)
President, Georgiann Keller. Meetings are on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 2:00 pm (except June & July) at Greenwood Park, 1520 Greenwood Ave in Torrance CA.. More information is available by email.
The Delaware African Violet and Gesneriad Society
President, Maria Walueff. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday evening of September to November and January to May at 7:30 p.m. location to be announced. More information available via email.
Caribbean Basin African Violet and Gesneriad Society
President, Chiqui Bacallao. Meeting are held on the second Saturday of the month, 10 a.m. to noon at St. Mathew the Apostle Episcopal Church, 7410 Sunset Drive, Miami, Fl. 33143. Guests welcome. More information contact Erna Maxwell by e-mail.
President, Penny Johnson. Meetings are usually held the third Saturday of each month starting at 10 a.m. at the Seffner-Mango Library, 410 S. Kingsway Rd, Seffner, FL. More information is available by email, or on their Facebook page or website.
Atlanta Gesneriad Interest Group (Interest Group)
President, Kathy Spissman. Meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday every other month at 10:30 am at Kathy Spissman’s house. For more information contact Kathy by phone (770-939-5289) or via email.
Northern Illinois Gesneriad Society
President, Gary Hitchcock. Place of meetings varies, please see website for current information. More information is available at the chapter website, Facebook page or contact Gary by email.
Heart of America Gesneriad Society
President, Scott Ammann. Meetings are held the third Saturday of the month from 10:00 a.m. to noon at the Loose Park Garden Center Building, 5200 Pennsylvania Avenue, Kansas City, MO. Meetings are general held in January, March, May, July, August and November, with a fall flower show the last weekend in September. For more information contact Scott by e-mail.
New England Gesneriad Society
President, Patricia Savage. Meetings are held the first Sunday of the month, 12:30- 4PM at the Pompositticut Community Center in Stow, MA except for July and August. More information is available at the chapter website, Facebook or contact Patricia by email.
Minnesota Gesneriad Society Chapter
President, Jinean Schofield . Meetings are held on the second Thursday of most months except July and August. Meetings are from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm typically at one of the local Davanni’s meeting rooms or other location to be announced prior to the meeting. For more information about the chapter, e-mail, or visit our blog, or website.
Twin Cities Area Chapter
President, Stephanie Digby. Meeting and chapter information is available at the chapter website or via email.
Gateway West Gesneriad Society
President, Dr. Ralph Olliges. Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month, 7:00 PM, at the Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis. More information is available at the chapter website or contact Dr. Olliges by email.
Omaha African Violet & Gesneriad Society
President, Scott Evans. Meetings are first Thursday of Sep, Oct, Dec, Feb, Mar, and April at 7:00PM at the Nebraska Extension Office, 8015 W Center Rd. More information is available on the chapter’s Facebook page or contact Scott Evans by e-mail.
New Jersey
African Violet and Gesneriad Society of New Jersey
(formerly Frelinghuysen Arboretum Gesneriad Society)
President, Virginia (Ginny) Heatter. Meetings are held at the Morris County Library or via Zoom. For more information contact Ginny by email.
New York
African Violet and Gesneriad Society of Rochester
President, Doug Burdick. Meetings are held the first Thursday of the month, Sept – Nov & Mar – May at 7:00 pm at The Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church, 4301 Mount Read Blvd., Rochester, NY 14616. For more information contact Doug by email.
African Violet and Gesneriad Society of Syracuse
President, Penny Moore. The chapter meets at 7:00 pm, on the second Thursday of the month, September to December and March to May, there are no meetings in January or February due to weather conditions. The meeting place is Pitcher Hill Community Church, 605 Bailey Road, North Syracuse, NY 13212. More information is available on the chapter website, or via e-mail.
African Violet and Gesneriad Society of Western New York
President, Judy Niemira. Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month all year except for February at 7:00 pm, Greenfield Health and Rehab Center,5949 Broadway Street, Lancaster, NY, 14086. More information is available at the chapter website or by email.
Greater New York Gesneriad Society
President, Gary Vellenzer. Meetings are held the third Saturday of the month, except July and August, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., at the LGBT Center, 208 West 13th Street, between 7th and 8th Avenues, in Manhattan. More information is available at the chapter website, Facebook page or contact Gary by email.
Long Island Gesneriad Society
President, Claire Schirtzer . Meetings are held on the second Saturday of the month (except for January, July and August) from noon to 3:00 p.m. at Planting Fields Arboretum in Oyster Bay, NY (Nassau County). The annual judged show is usually held in May. More information is available at the chapter website, Facebook page or contact Claire by email.
Mt. Hood Gesneriad Society
Acting President, Joan Sirotiak. There are 10 meetings per year, which will normally occur on the 2nd Saturday of the month – (July and August excepted as a summer break). For more information e-mail.
Liberty Bell Gesneriad Society
President, Sharon Fullerton. Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Cathedral Village Auditorium, 600 East Cathedral Road, Philadelphia, PA, 19128 (Roxborough). More information is available at the chapter Facebook page or contact Stephen by email.
Tennessee Gesneriad Society
President, Julie Mavity-Hudson. Meetings are held on the second Sunday of the month at 2 p.m. at Cheekwood’s Botanic Hall, 1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville, TN. More information is available at the chapter website, Facebook page or contact Julie by email.
The Richmond African Violet Society (Affiliate)
President, Sarah Coleman. Meetings are held the third Saturday each month, October-June at 10:00 a.m. at the Richmond Friends Meeting, 4500 Kensington Avenue, Richmond, VA 23221. Foe more information contact Sarah by e-mail.
Puget Sound Gesneriad Society
President, Penny Allen. Meetings are held from September to June, usually on the 2nd Sunday of the month from 1-4pm in facilities around the greater Puget Sound area or by Zoom. More information is available at the chapter Website or contact M.J. Tyler by email.
Washington, DC
National Capital Area
President, Barbara Stewart. Meetings are generally held the second Saturday of each month at 10:30 am and are held at Emmanuel United Methodist Church, 10755 Scaggsville Road, Laurel, MD 20723. More information is available on their website, Facebook page or contact Barbara by email.
Edmonton Gesneriad Society
President, Carlos Beca. Meetings are held the first Sunday of each month (except July, August, and December) from 2:00-4:00 p.m. at St. Andrew’s Centre, Edmonton, 12720 111 Avenue NW, Edmonton Ab T5M 3X3. More information is available by Facebook or contact Carlos by email.
Stampede City African Violet Society (Affiliate)
Contact Winston J. Goretsky. Meetings are held the fourth Wednesday of each month (September through May) at the Northwest Brentwood Co-op Auditorium, 4122 Brentwood Road N.W., Calgary. More information is available at the website, or contact Winston by e-mail.
Toronto African Violet and Gesneriad Society
President, Julie Thompson. Meetings are usually held on the second Sunday of the month, except July and August, beginning at 2 p.m., at the Toronto Botanical Garden, 777 Lawrence Avenue East, Toronto, Ontario. More information is available on the chapter website or contact Julie by email.
Vancouver African Violet and Gesneriad Society
President, Garth McFadden. Meetings are on the third Sunday of each month (except in July, August and December), from 1:30 to 4 p.m., in the Cedar Room of Van Dusen Botanical Gardens at W. 37th Avenue & Oak Street in Vancouver. More information is available at the chapter website, Facebook or contact Garth by email.
Gesneriasts of Sweden
President, Lena Bjurling. More information is available at the chapter website, Facebook page or contact Lena by email.