Tampa Bay Gesneriad Society
The African Violet Council of Florida – January 1995
The Gesneriad Society – July 1995
African Violet Society of America, Inc. – May 1996
Chapter meetings/programs are held starting at 10:00 a.m. on the third Saturday of each month (except February, April, and December this year) at the professional building located at Seffner-Mango Library, 410 S. Kingsway Rd, Seffner, FL. 33584-3602 (813-273-3652). Email jkatzenste@aol.com to confirm meeting details.
The Tampa Bay Gesneriad Society is a very active local chapter (chartered in 1994) of the international non-profit organization, The Gesneriad Society, Inc. The chapter’s purpose is to promote the growing and sharing of gesneriads. Meetings include a program, show and tell horticulture segment, and a plant raffle. Annual dues are only $10 and members receive a monthly newsletter. Chapter sales are held in the spring and fall at the USF Botanical Gardens and other nearby venues.