Columnea ‘Red Dolphin’

Columnea ‘Red Dolphin’, 2018, IR181433, hybridized by Timothy R. Demmin, NY. (C. ‘Sun Dance’ x C. hirta var.mortonii). Cross made 01.1977, seeds planted 11.1977, first flowered 03.1980. Fertile. Reproducible only vegetatively. Trailing habit, stem over 30 cm. Leaves dark green, 2.5-3.0 cm long, 1.7 cm wide with 3-4 mm petiole, ovate with cordate base, entire margin and acute tip. Calyx spit, green, 1 cm long. Pedicel 1 cm long with 1 flower per axil. Corolla hooded, 9.2 cm long x 5.6 cm wide, Pantone Warm Red C. This hybrid prolifically blooms in winter months and has larger flowers than most Columneas in cultivation.
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