Drymonia ‘Francisco Pizarro’

Drymonia ‘Francisco Pizarro’, 2000, IR00737, Robert Stewart, MA. (D. ecuadorensis ‘Indian Sunset’ × D. killipii). Cross made Feb. 1982. Reproducible only vegetatively. Large, upright, reaching 1 m in height. Leaves hairy, matte green with lighter veins above, oxblood red with light green veins below, 20 cm × 10 cm with 5 cm petiole, elliptic with entire margin, acute tip and cuneate base. Calyx leafy, light green, 3 cm long, pedicel 2.3 cm with several flowers per leaf axil, including leafless sections. Corolla salverform, 7 cm (including the spur) × 4 cm, tube white outside, inside RHS Yellow-Orange 14B with red-purple stripes. Outside of lobes white, with some show-through of color from inside. The inside (display side) of lobes RHS Purple 78C (Aster Mauve) at margins, tending toward RHS Red-Purple 74C (pale Cyclamen Purple) further in, and even more reddish as it blends with yellow-orange of throat.

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