Primulina ‘Blue Light’

Primulina ‘Blue Light’, 2019, IR191453, hybridized by Hai-xia Yan, Shi-kai Guan, Jie-ling Deng, Zhao-yang Bu; Nanning, China. (P. macrorhiza (D. Fang & D.H. Qin) Mich. Möller & A. Weber x P. purpurea F. Wen, Bo Zhao & Y.G. Wei). Cross made 04.05.2017, seeds planted 05.09.2017, first flowered 03.19.2019. Sterile. Reproducible only vegetatively. Basal rosette. Leaves green, 5.2-15.9 cm long, 3.8-12.3 cm wide, 3.3-6.1 cm long petiole, ovate with cuneate base, serrate margin and acute tip, hairy. Calyx spit, light green, 1.2-1.3 cm long. Pedicel 7.2-8 cm long with 6 flowers per axil. Corolla salverform, 5.3-5.6 cm long x 1.5-1.8 cm wide. Corolla purple-blue. Easy grower, prefers bright scattered natural light, moist but well-drained substrate, temperature range is 0-37℃.
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