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Download a sample copy here.Primulina ‘Atsuko’. 2001, lR01740, Toshijiro Okuto, Japan. (P. fimbrisepala ‘Wuhan’ x P. subrhomboidea). Cross made Mar. 12, 1997, planted July 31, 1997 and first flowered Mar. 20, 1999. Fertile but reproducible only vegetatively. Rosette. Leaves dark green, hairy, 10 cm long x 8.5 cm wide with 5.5 cm petiole, ovate with serrate margin, acute tip and oblique base. Calyx split, grayed green, 4 mm long; pedicel 15-20 mm, 3 flowers per peduncle. Corolla salverform, 65 mm long and 40 mm across, deep blue violet (RHS 87 A), tube white with orange ridges and speckles and a brown spot at the top of the mouth. The reverse cross of ‘Mineko’, flower color is much deeper than ‘Mineko’. Speckles in the throat are not as distinctive as in P. fimbrisepala ‘ Wuhan’. First published 1999, CrossWords 23 (2) 8. First commercial listing Kartuz 2001-2002 cat.
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