Primulina (Chirita) ‘Daruma’

Primulina ‘Daruma’. 2001, IR01743, Toshijiro Okuto, Japan. (P. dryas (C. sinensis) ‘latifolia’ dwarf x P. tribracteata). Cross made Aug. 19, 1997, planted Dec. 20, 1997 and first flowered Sept. 27, 1999. Sterile and reproducible only vegetatively. Rosette. Leaves hairy, green, 9 cm long x 9 cm wide with 3 cm petiole, ovate with crenate margin, acute tip and cuneate base. Calyx split, light green, 10 mm long; pedicel 50 mm with 2-3 flowers per peduncle. Corolla salverform, 40 mm long x 20 mm wide, violet-blue (RRS 92B), orange ridges in the tube and a brown spot at the top of the mouth. A sibling of ‘Crossroads’, the leaf is solid green, round with short petiole making a tight rosette. Peduncle is shorter than ‘Crossroads’ and stiff.

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