Primulina (Chirita) ‘Hotei’

Primulina ‘Hotei’. 1997, IR97516, Frances N. Batcheller, NH. (P. linearifolia x P. lutea). Cross made and planted in 1996, first bloomed 1997. Plant habit and leaf is linearifolia, a basal rosette, with 15 cm long flower scapes. Flowers resemble lutea (eburnea ) in size and color but lack the large white bracts. Leaves medium green (RHS 137 A), 9.5 cm long, 2.5 cm. wide, linear with acute tip and entire margin. Split calyx is pale yellow green, 1 cm long; pedicel 1.3 cm long with 6 flow­ers per leaf axil. Flowers infunduliform, primrose yellow (RHS 4B), 4 cm long and 2 cm in diameter. First commercial listing 2001, Belisle’s Violet House cat. Pict. Gloxinian 48 (2) 47.

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