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Download a sample copy here.Primulina ‘Nakako’. 2001, IR01745, Toshijiro Okuto, Japan. (P. lutea (C. eburnea yellow) x P. dryas (C. sinensis) ‘Latifolia’). Cross made June 26, 1997, planted July 31, 1997 and first flowered Sept. 14, 1998. Sterile and reproducible only vegetatively. Rosette. Leaves hairy, green, 13 cm long x 8 cm wide with 5 cm petiole, ovate with entire margin, acute tip and cuneate base. Calyx split, yellow-green, 8 mm long; pedicel 20 mm long, 10-13 flowers per peduncle. Corolla salverform, 40 mm long x 22 mm wide, yellow (RRS 13C), orange ridges in the tube and a brown spot at the top of the mouth. Leaves intermediate between the parents; more floriferous than P. lutea. First published 1999, CrossWords 23 (2) 8. First commercial listing 2001-2002 Kartuz cat.
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