Primulina ‘CW’s Fantasy Dream’
Primulina ‘CW’s Fantasy Dream’, 2023, IR231836, hybridized by Xin-xin Deng, Wei-Chuen Chou, Fang Wen; Guilin University of Technology; Guangxi Institute of Botany & Gesneriads Conservation Center of China; Guilin, China. (P. ‘Sweet Dream’ x P. heterochroa). Cross made 05.29.2019, seeds planted 08.30.2019, first flowering 06.17.2021. Sterile, reproducible only vegetatively. Basal rosette, acaulescent. Leaves green, 10-15 cm long, 5-8 cm wide, 2-4 cm petiole, veins obvious, blades thick, fleshy, pubescent both surfaces, blade elliptic, acute tip, cuneate base, entire margin, smooth. Calyx split, purplish brown, ca. 8 mm. Length of the pedicel ca. 3 cm, ca. 3 or more flowers per axil. Corolla salverform, ca. 5.5 cm long, 1.8-2.5 cm wide, reddish purple to pinkish purple outside with yellow limb lobes, orange inside. Prefers brightly scattered natural light; moist but well-drained & calcium-rich substrate (equal to PH ≥7.0); do not overfertilize and overwater.
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