Primulina, ‘GCCC’s Alfonso’
Primulina ‘GCCC’s Alfonso’, 2018, IR181428, hybridized by Fang Wen, Zi-Bing Xin, Yi-Gang Wei; Guangxi, China. (P.multifida x P.carinata). Cross made 08.03.2016, seeds planted 09.01.2016, first flowered 06.29.2017. Sterile. Reproducible only vegetatively. Basal rosette. Leaves green to dark green, glabrous, 2-3 cm long, 1.8-2.6 cm wide, 8-11 cm petiole, orbicular with cordate to oblique base, crenate margin and rounded tip, smooth. Calyx spit, pale brown, papillary, 4-5 mm long. Pedicel 1-3.5 cm long with 10 or more flowers per axil. Corolla infundibuliform, 1.5-2 cm long x 0.8-1 cm wide. Corolla with purple lobes with three reddish purple strips on the adaxial lobes, two yellow stripes in throat. Easy to grow, enjoys warmer habitat, weaker scattered light; prefers the substrate kept relatively moist with higher level of calcium ions. The temperature range above 10℃ and below 37℃.
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