Primulina ‘Lavender Apple’

Primulina ‘Lavender Apple’, IR141237, Lai Bi-dan and Huang Yi-qin, China. (P.macrorhiza x P. ophiopogoides). Cross made Apr. 11, 2011, planted May. 25, 2011 and first flowered Feb. 26, 2013. Fertile but reproducible only vegetatively. Rosette with stem length of 1-2cm. . Leaves dark green with white or gray short hair, 8-10 cm long x 5.5-6 cm wide, 2-3.5cm petiole, hairy, ovate with crenate margin, oblique base and acute tip. Calyx split, brown, 0.7-0.9 cm. Pedicel 1.5-2.5 cm, No of flowers per axil – 8-15. Corolla salverform, 5.5 – 6 cm long x 4.5-4.8 cm wide, fuschia color. Easy to grow, prefers bright light with 1-2 hours of direct sun, temperature range 0 to+ 35C. Large flowers open pale lavender, in two-3 days turn to fuschia, dark leaves with distinct sage veining and purple crenate margin.
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