Primulina ‘Nandia Dreams’

Primulina ‘Nandia Dreams’, IR141250 Qixiang Zhang, Le Luo, Fang Wen, Yingnan Wang, Tangren Cheng, Chunxiao Ai and Huitang Pan, Beijing Key Laboratory of Ornamental Plants Germplasm Innovation & Molecular Breeding , National Engineering Research Center for Floriculture , Beijing Laboratory of Urban and Rural Ecological Environment and College of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, 100083, China. (P.fimbrisepala x P. pungentisepala). Cross made in 2007, planted in 2007 and first flowered in 2008. Fertile but reproducible only vegetatively. Stemless basal rosette. Leaves medium green with indistinct lighter green pattern, 8 cm long x 6 cm wide, 3.0 cm petiole, hairy, ovate with serrate margin, cuneate base and acute tip. Calyx split, green (young plant), red-brown(adult plant). Pedicel 15-25 mm, No. of flowers per axil – 4-8. Corolla salverform, 6.8 cm long x 5.5cm wide, light purple, purple color. It has bigger corollas than its parents; unlike P.fimbrisepala, no purple speckles are found in the throat; it will be a good houseplant especially for lazy or busy people since no extra attention is needed except for irrigation with the frequency of ten days.
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