Primulina ‘Spring of Beilin’

Primulina ‘Spring of Beilin’, 2018, IR181421, registered by Le Luo, Qixiang Zhang, Fang Wen, Tangren Cheng, Xiaoyan Yao and Yingying Shi, Beijing, China. (P. fimbrisepala x P. linearifolia). Reproducible only vegetatively. Basal rosette. Forest green leaves, 3-9 cm long, 0.5-1.5 cm wide with 0.9-1.3 cm petiole, linear to elliptic with cuneate base, entire margin and acute tip. Calyx green, 8.5 mm long. Pedicel 1.1-2.9 cm long with 10-12 flowers per axil. Corolla salverform, 1.4 cm long x 0.8-1.0 cm wide, white to light pink, tube light pink. Displays purple spots, as well as two light-yellow mediated nectary patches on the longitudinal direction in the corolla. Blooms abundantly for a long time during the Chinese spring festival, from early February to mid-April, up to 50 days as a group. Tight rosette with dark-green leaves, tight inflorescences and bright flowers promise to be excellent festival pot flower.
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