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Download a sample copy here.Seemannia ‘Medusa’. 1976 IR76143, Frances Batcheller, NH. (registered as [Gloxinia] (S. sylvatica x S. gymnostoma). Cross made 1971, first flowered 1972. Fertile but reproducible only vegetatively as seedlings vary in color and plant form. Robust stems 30-60m cm long. Leaves light green, pale reverse, 16.8 cm long x 7 cm wide. 2 flowers per axil. Calyx tube green, ridged, sepals long and narrow. Corolla tubular, 3.8 cm long, lobes spreading 2 cm across. Tube Nickerson 2.5R5/12, lobes 5R4/10, throat white with red spots and warts. Numerous propagules. Floriferous and long blooming.
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