Sinningia ‘Angel’s Love’

Sinningia ‘Angel’s Love’, 2014, IR141241, Sharon Crochet, LA (Pink and white S. seedling from GS welcome package x S. ‘Mark Twain’). Cross made Apr. 9, 2013, planted May. 13, 2013 and first flowered Jan.7, 2014. Fertile, reproducible only vegetatively. Tuberous, compact rosette, length of the stem 2″-3”. Light green leaves with purple veins, light red underside, 2.5” long x 2” wide, 1.5“ petiole, ovate with crenate margin, cordate base and acute tip. Calyx split, green with brownish tips, 0.25”. Pedicel 2.3”. No of flowers per axil – 1. Corolla salverform, 1.75” long x 1.25” wide, tube and petals soft pinkish purple, white throat with light red streaking.
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