Sinningia ‘Arkansas Royalty’

Sinningia ‘Arkansas Royalty’, 2011, IR111163, Jon Lindstrom, AK. (S. pusilla ‘White Sprite’ x S. species “Ibitioca”). Cross made June 13, 2008, planted July 14, 2008 and first flowered Oct. 24, 2008. Fertile but reproducible only vegetatively. Short stemmed (to 47.1mm) tuberous perennial. Leaves pubescent, dark greyed green (RHS 189A), purple veins on reverse of leaf, 60.8 mm long x 53.7 mm wide with 23.8 mm petiole, ovate to orbicular with entire margin, acuminate tip and cordate base. Calyx split, 6.9 mm long, green tipped violet. Pedicel 66.1 mm tall with 1-3 flowers per leaf axil. Corolla salverform, 34.6 mm long x 23.6 mm wide, violet (RHS N87D) darkening in center, interior throat yellow green (RHS 86B).  A concentrated flush of flowering occurs as plant emerges from dormancy. Flowering then continues as the stem lengthens. Large tuber, growth habit and flower color (especially throat) separate this from other plants including S. ‘Jung’s Violet Dew’ (pusilla ‘White Sprite x aghensis).

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