Sinningia ‘Bud’s Blue Ibis’
Sinningia ‘Bud’s Blue Ibis’, 2018, IR181405, hybridized by Brandon W. Erikson, NE. (S. ‘Bud’s Lace Curtain’ x S. ‘Silhouette’). Cross made 09.21.2014, planted 10.24.2014, and first flowered 03.10.2015. Fertile, reproducible only vegetatively. Miniature to compact growth habit, stem length 5-8 cm. Leaves dark green, 6-8 cm long, 3-4 cm wide, with 1 cm petiole, orbicular with cordate base, crenate margin and rounded tip, bullate, hairy. Calyx split, green, 5 mm long. Pedicel 4-5 cm with 2-3 flowers per axil. Corolla salverform 4-5 cm long x 2.5-3 cm wide, blue-lavender, purple overlay with yellow throat, veining into petals. Compact growth with short internodes, matures quickly and blooms heavily on mature plants. Easily propagated.
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