Sinningia ‘Cajun Butterfly’
Sinningia ‘Cajun Butterfly’, IR141239, Sharon Crochet, LA (S. ‘Mark Twain’ x pink and white spotted S. seedling from GS welcome package). Cross made Apr. 24, 2013, planted May. 13, 2013 and first flowered Mar.28, 2014. Fertile, reproducible only vegetatively. Tuberous, compact rosette, length of the stem 3-4”. Dark green leaves with purple veins, red underside, 2.5” long x 2” wide, 1.5“ petiole, ovate with crenate margin, cordate base and acute tip. Calyx split, brownish green, 0.25”. Pedicel 2.5”. No of flowers per axil – 1-2. Corolla salverform, 1.75” long x 1.25” wide, top of tube and top petals dark lav, side petals light lavender, lip and throat, white with spots.
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