Sinningia ‘Ellen Hunt’

Sinningia ‘Ellen Hunt, IR141253, Cheryl Meyer, NE (Sinningia ‘Flaming Beauty’ x self) Cross made 1993, planted 1993 and first flowered 1993. Sterile, reproducible only vegetatively. Tuberous, compact rosette, length of the stem 1/2”. Dark green leaves with red underside, 3/4” long x 5/8” wide,  3/8 “ petiole, orbicular with crenate margin, cordate base and rounded tip. Calyx split, green with red/purple  tips, 1/4”. Pedicel 3/4”. No of flowers per axil – 1.  Corolla salverform, 1.25” long x 1/2” wide, pink, white,  magenta, and dark rose. The splotching pattern in the bloom is unusual and slightly variable. Often blooms with a radial symmetry.  Most unique features are a very diminutive size and unusual color blotches.

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