Sinningia ‘Heartland’s Flashlight’

Sinningia ‘Heartland’s Flashlight’, 2011, IR111158, Dale Martens, IL. Karen Cichocki, NJ. (S. pusilla x S. helioana). Cross made Jan. 2008, planted Feb. 2008 and first flowered June 2008. Fertile but reproducible only vegetatively. Tuberous. Leaves green with reddish veining, slightly indented on top of blade, red reverse, 80 mm long x 70 mm wide with 10 mm petiole, ovate with crenate margin and acute tip. Calyx split, green with red tips, 3 mm long. Pedicel 27 mm long with 3-5 flowers. Corolla salverform, 30 mm long x 17 mm wide, magenta-wine with darker hint of lines from throat onto lobes. Received Red Ribbon for Kinship Collection, 2008 Gesneriad Convention.

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