Sinningia ‘Heaven’s Gate’
Sinningia ‘Heaven’s Gate’, 2013, IR131214, Sharon Crochet, LA. (S. ‘Maiden’s Blush’ x S. ‘Purple Crest’). Cross made May 9, 2012, planted June 6, 2012 and first flowered Nov. 1, 2012. Fertile but reproducible only vegetatively Tuberous, compact rosette. Leaves dark green with purple veins, reverse light green with lighter purple veins, 2.75 in. long x 2.25 in. wide with 1.125-1 in. petiole, ovate with crenate margin, acute tip and cordate base. Calyx 0.25 in. long, leafy, green tipped light purple, pedicel 2.75 in long with 2 flowers. Corolla salverform, 1.625 in. long x 1 in. wide, medium dark purple, lower petals and lip streaked with purple, gold patch in throat, lighter purple on lower part of lip, edged purple.
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