Sinningia ‘Kevin Garnett’

Sinningia ‘Kevin Garnett’, 2009, IR091098, Tim Tuttle, PA. (S. ‘Tropical Twilight’ x S. ‘Playful Porpoise’). Cross made Sept. 2000, planted Nov. 2000 and first flowered Sept. 2001. Fertile but reproducible only vegetatively. Upright growth. Leaves hairy, dark green, 8.2 cm long x 6.7 cm wide with 6.1 cm petiole, ovate with crenate margin, acute tip and oblique base. Calyx split, 4.8 cm long, light pink. Pedicel 3.7 cm with 3-5 flowers. Corolla salverform, 5.5 cm long x 3.7 cm wide, purple spotting and striping in throat of corolla and inside all calyx lobes. Best in Show, Sept. 2001 Tennessee Gesneriad Society Chapter Show.
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