Sinningia ‘Lauren’

Sinningia ‘Lauren, 2015, IR151296, hybridized by Ray Coyle, New York (S. guttataS. sp.’Cabo Frio’). Cross made 04/07/07, planted 06/25/07, and first flowered 02/08.  Reproducible only vegetatively. Compact erect multicrown growth habit.  Leaves medium green, 10 cm long x 5-6 cm wide with 4 cm petiole, elliptic with cuneate base, crenate margin and acute tip. Calyx split, pale green, 2 cm. Pedicel 2 cm with 1 flower. Corolla salverform, 5 cm long x 4 cm wide, Light lavender/ darker spotting, white throat with dark lavender lines & spotting. Smaller in height that S. guttata, grows multicrowned, blooms from each leaf axil.

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