Sinningia ‘Little Pink Ears’
Sinningia ‘Little Pink Ears’, 2019, IR191465, hybridized by Sharon Crochet, LA. (S. ‘Cajun Butterfly’ x S. richii ‘Robson Lopes’). Cross made 04.16.2018, seeds planted 05.28.2018, first flowered 06.12.2019. Reproducible only vegetatively. Basal rosette, slightly trailing, 1-2 stems, plant 3-4 in tall. Leaves dark green with purple veins and reverse, 4.5 in long, 3.75 in wide, 0.75-1.0 in petiole, elliptic with cuneate base and crenate margin. Calyx split, green tipped purple 0.25 in long. Pedicel 2.75 in long with 1-2 flowers per axil. Corolla salverform, 1.75 in long, 1.125 in wide, creamy yellow, top petals dark pink, lower petals yellow dusted soft pink with lots of red spots.
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