Sinningia ‘LYL’s Leyla Akkaya Iskol’

Sinningia ‘LYL’s Leyla Akkaya Iskol’, 2018, IR181420, hybridized by Leyla Akkaya Iskol, Denizli, Turkey. (S. ‘Silver Pink’ x S. speciosa ‘Cardosa Moreira purple’). Cross made 05.06.2016, seeds planted 07.09.2016, first flowered 09.06.2017. Fertile, reproducible only vegetatively. Sinningia speciosa type, erect habit, stem length 17 cm. Leaves green, 8cm long, 6 cm wide, with 4.5 cm petiole, ellipic with cuneate base, serrate margin and acute tip. Calyx split, green, 2 cm long. Pedicel 5 cm long with 1 flower per axil. Corolla salverform 6 cm long, 5 cm wide, hot pink.
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