Sinningia ‘Ozark Fireworks’

SinningiaOzark Fireworks’, 2010, IR101140, David Harris, MO. (S. ‘Martha Lemke’ x [S. {(Scoundrel x self) x ‘Laura’) x self}). Cross made Nov. 10, 2003, planted Dec. 26, 2003 and first flowered June 24, 2004. Fertile but reproducible only vegetatively. Miniature rosette. Leaves dark green with red back, 2.375 in. x 2 in. wide with 0.75 in. petiole, ovate with serrate margin, acute tip and cordate base. Calyx split, medium green. Pedicel 2.125 in long with up to 3 flowers per leaf axil when mature. Corolla salverform, 1.5625 in long x 1.125 in wide, upper two lobes pink, lower three white with burgundy dots extending from yellow throat.  Occasional flowers are white with burgundy dots on all lobes. Best New Gesneriad,  Heart of America Gesneriad Society 2005 Show. Best Other Gesneriad, Commercial Section, 2007 AVSA National Convention.

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