Sinningia ‘Rebecca Margarita’
Sinningia ‘Rebecca Margarita’, 2010, IR101148, Brad Walker, TN. (S. ‘Iris Walker’ x S. ‘Cherry Delight’). Cross made Aug. 8, 2009, planted Oct. 20, 2009 and first flowered Aug. 27, 2010. Fertile but reproducible only vegetatively. Tuberous, compact growth, loose habit. Leaves green, 3.5 in. long x 2 in. wide with 1.5 in. petiole, oblong with crenate margin, rounded tip and cordate base. Calyx pink, 1.5 in. long.1 flower per leaf axil. Corolla pendant, salverform, fully double, 1.5 in. long x 1.25 in. wide, pink with lavender stripes in throat.
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