Sinningia ‘Solstice’

Sinningia ‘Solstice’, 2017, IR171395, hybridized by Peter Shalit, Seattle, WA. (S. ‘Tomorrow’ x S.conspicua). Cross made 2007, planted 2007, and first flowered 2008. Fertile, reproducible only vegetatively. Rosette with somewhat upright growth habit. Leaves pale green (RHS K3d), 12 cm long, 9 cm wide, with 3 cm petiole, ovate with cuneate base, acute tip. Calyx split, green 1.4cm long. Pedicel 8 cm with 1-5 flowers per axil. Corolla salverform 4.5 cm long x 2.4 cm wide, pale yellow (RHS11d) with maroon spots and lines in throat. Slight variable fragrance, very vigorous with minimal dormancy. Easier to grow than S.conspicua.
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