Sinningia ‘T A’s Rock Remembrance’
Sinningia ‘T A’s Rock Remembrance’, 2018, IR181404, hybridized by Jay Sespico, FL. (S. Dale’s Coral Fiesta’ x S. ‘Hungarian Rose Spot’). Cross made 03.28.2015, planted 05.02.2015, and first flowered 02.10.2016. Reproducible only vegetatively. S.speciosa type (basal rosette). Leaves green with lighter veins, 8 in. long, 5 in. wide, with 2 in. petiole, elliptic with cuneate base, crenate margin and acute tip. Calyx split, green, 0.75 in. long. Pedicel 4 in. long with 1 flower per axil. Corolla salverform 3 in. long x 3.75 in. wide, white with dark purple-blue lobes with spots.
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