Smithiantha ‘Caroline’

Smithiantha ‘Caroline’ .1997, IR97513, Margaret Cass, Pennsylvania, (‘Maggie’ x ‘Halloween’). Cross made Jan.1993, planted and first bloomed in 1994. Plant fertile but reproducible only from vegetative cuttings. Plant growth medium size with tendency to produce multiple crowns. Leaves mottled green and red, ovate with acute tip and cordate base, crenate edges, 15 cm long, 12.8 cm wide on 5 cm petiole. Calyx split, green, 3 mm long. Flowers from top of growth. Flowers salverform, top of tube Azalea Pink (38A), bottom of tube and interior Amber Yellow (18C), with pink spots usu­ally in form or rings extending into the throat. Flowers 4.5 cm long, 2.4 cm in diameter, usually with extra petal-like formation on each side of the tube.

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