Streptocarpus ‘Dale’s Scarlet Macaw’
Streptocarpus ’Dale’s Scarlet Macaw’. 2008, IR081080, D. Martens, IL. (‘Texas Hot Chili’ x S. dunnii). Cross made 2004, first flowered 2004. Fertile but reproducible only vegetatively. Plurifoliate rosette. Leaves green, 16-24 in. long x 5-7 in. wide, linear with crenate margin, acute tip and cuneate base. Calyx green, ¼ in. long. 5 ½ in. peduncle with 30 flowers. Corolla salverform, 1 ½ in. long x l ½ in. wide, dark red with yellow throat, red lines and dashes entirely around inside of flower. Best Old World Gesneriad at the 2008 Vancouver African Violet and Gesneriad Show grown by Bill Price.
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