Streptocarpus ‘Deanie’s Jane Marie’

Streptocarpus ’Deanie’s Jane Marie’. 2004, IR04890, E. Underhill, CAN. (‘Something Special’ x ‘Blue Mars’).  Cross made Aug. 13, 2001, planted Nov. 1, 2002 and first flowered Apr. 16, 2003. Fertile but reproducible only vegetatively. Leaves light medium green, 8 in. long x 3 ¼ in. wide, elliptic with undulate margin, acute tip and cuneate base. Calyx green, 3/8 in. long, split, 2­3 flowers per peduncle. Corolla salverform, 2 7/8 in. long x 2 7/8 in. wide, pure white, frilled, with very large purple throat. Available from hybridizer.

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