Streptocarpus ‘Embossed’

Streptocarpus ‘Embossed’, 2014 IR141257, Barbara Clark, CO, USA. (S. ‘Mary Sakamoto’ x S. ‘Jeannete’). Cross made in 2007, planted in 2007 and first flowered in 2008. Fertile but reproducible only vegetatively. Basal rosette. Leaves bright green, 10 in. long x 3 in. wide, petiole 2 in. elliptic with crenate margin, acute tip and cuneate base. Calyx green, split, 1/8 in. long. Pedicel 1 in. No of flowers per axil 1-2. Corolla salverform, 3 in. long x 4in. wide, mauve with white pattern. Deep veining and unique patterning of corolla resembles the look of fine leather. This hybrid has large blossoms and is very floriferous.
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