Streptocarpus ‘Heartland’s Baby Egrets’

Streptocarpus ‘Heartland’s Baby Egrets’, 2011, IR111159, Dale Martens, IL. (S. ‘Fernwood’s Minuet’ x S. ‘Nerys’). Cross made Jan. 2008, planted Mar. 2008 and first flowered Aug. 2008. Fertile but reproducible only vegetatively. Compact rosette. Leaves bullate, green with reddish petiole, 170 mm long x 30 mm wide with 10 mm petiole, linear with crenate margin and acute tip. Calyx split, reddish, 5 mm long. Peduncle 130 mm long with 2-3 flowers. Corolla salverform, 55 mm long x 40 mm wide, white, throat bright yellow with reddish wine lines. Best Streptocarpus 2010 Gesneriad Convention. Best Gesneriad, 2008 Missouri Valley AV Council Convention.
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