Streptocarpus ‘Heartland’s Snowbaby’
Streptocarpus ‘Heartland’s Snowbaby’, 2011, IR111161, Dale Martens, IL. (S. ‘Fernwood’s Silhouette’ selfed). Cross made Jan. 2008, planted Apr. 2008 and first flowered Aug. 2008. Fertile but reproducible only vegetatively. Compact rosette. Leaves bullate, green with yellow variegation, 140 mm long x 30 mm wide with 10 mm petiole. Calyx split, reddish green, 3 mm long. Peduncle 95 mm long with 2-3 flowers. Corolla salverform, 43 mm long x 30 mm wide, white with dark purple throat. Blue Ribbon, 2010 AVSA Convention.
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