xAchimenantha ‘Bobcat’

xAchimenantha ‘Bobcat’, 2012, IR121190, Sharon Crochet, LA. (Achimenes erecta x XAchimenantha ‘Star of Stars’). Cross made Nov. 9, 2009, planted Mar. 20, 2010 and first flowered Nov. 15, 2010.Fertile but reproducible only vegetatively. Rhizomatous, stems to 14 in. tall. Leaves dark green, tinted red underneath, 1.25 in. long x 0.75 in. wide,with 0.5 in. petiole, ovate with serrate margin and acute tip. Calyx dark green, leafy, 0.25 in. long, 1 flower per leaf axil. Corolla with 0.5 in. single to double salverform, 0.5 in. long x 1.25 in. wide, ruby red with dark marbling in center and dark lines in throat.
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