xAchimenantha ‘Lionheart’
xAchimenantha ‘Lionheart’, 2014, IR141254, Stan Mossop, UK. (Achimenes ‘Verschaffield’ x Smithiantha ‘Santa Clara’). Cross made Aug. 2012, planted Mar. 2013 and first flowered Aug, 2013. Reproducible only vegetatively. Rhizomatous. Erect, strong, self supporting stems 23 cm tall. Leaves dark green, 7 cm long x 5 cm wide, with 2 cm petiole, ovate with serrate margin, acute tip and cuneate base. Calyx green, split, 1 cm long, pedicel 2 cm long, 1-3 flowers per leaf axil. Corolla salverform, 5.0 cm long x 3.5 cm wide, reddish purple spots on cream background. This intergeneric hybrid has large flower size, coloration, unique pattern and strong sturdy growth habit.
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