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Download a sample copy here.xAchimenantha ‘Texas Blue Bayou’. 2002, IR02803, Dale Martens, TX. [xAchimenantha ‘Aries’ x (Smithiantha ‘Duet’ x Smithiantha canarina )]. Cross made Aug. 2000, planted Nov. 2000 and first flowered Apr. 2001. Reproducible only vegetatively. Rhizomatous, erect, 18 cm tall if not pinched. Leaves hairy, dark green with deep red back (RHS 183C), 5.2 cm long x 4.3 cm wide, ovate with serrate margin, acute tip and cuneate base. Calyx reddish, 7.5 mm long. Pedicel 1 cm long. Corolla salverform, 7.0 cm long x 5.3 cm wide, with wavy edges, tube is reddish RHS 63A, limb lavender blue. Published 2001, CrossWords, Vol. 25 (3) color insert.
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