xSinvana ‘Mount Magazine’

xSinvana ‘ Mount Magazine’. 2006, IR06984, Jon Lindstrom, AR. (S. conspicua x P. tenuiflora). Cross made July 9, 2004, planted Aug. 26, 2004 and first flowered July 6, 2005. Sterile and reproducible only vegetatively. Plant shrub-like, forming a rudimentary tuber. Leaves hairy, dark green (RHS 137A), 10.67 cm long x 7.8 cm wide with 2.74 cm petiole, ovate with crenate margin, acute tip and cordate base. Calyx split, yellow green, 2.34 cm long. Pedicel 3.18 cm long with 2-3 flowers. Corolla salverform, 1.33 cm long x 1.94 cm wide, white., with lilac purple veining in throat. Flower sweetly fragrant, especially in morning.


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